JONESBORO, Ark. – (January 4, 2022) – Ritter Communications, the largest privately held telecommunications service provider in the Mid-South, is being awarded two rural broadband installation grants by the Arkansas Legislative Council. The two grants are for Crittenden County and south Independence County, totaling approximately $12.8 million. These resources, made available through the Arkansas Rural Connect (ARC) program and funded by the American Rescue Plan, help finance projects that improve high-speed broadband internet access for more Arkansans.
“Ritter Communications is proud to continue our commitment to bridge the digital divide in Arkansas and to uphold the trust given to us by our customers throughout the state,” said Ritter Communications CEO Alan Morse. “Access to quality high-speed internet is vital for all Arkansans. We’re glad to be part of the effort to bring these services to the diverse communities across the state.”
Because of these grants residents in these counties will have greater access to high-speed broadband internet services, including RightFiberTM, a new residential service by Ritter Communications using future-proof 100% fiber technology to deliver high-quality internet, TV and phone at the fastest gigabit speeds available to serviceable homes.
Several expansion projects funded in part by similar grants are already underway across the state with more markets scheduled to come on in the weeks ahead. More communities will have access to RightFiber’sTM symmetrical one gigabit speed offering the fastest, highest performing service available as progress continues. Still, the company is building its growing infrastructure network to sustain anticipated market growth and bandwidth demand – positioning Ritter Communications as the only 10G fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) provider in Arkansas through the RightFiberTM network.
“Additional bandwidth requirements and advances in our devices and technology are coming,” said Jeff Chapman, RightFiber General Manager. “We are preparing for that future now in each of our expansion projects so we are prepared to meet your needs when the time comes.”
Residents interested in engaging RightFiber™ services can visit RightFiber.com to proactively submit a form expressing interest in the service. This will help Ritter Communications make determinations about future expansions and streamline home activations once service is available. As the company continues its expansion planning, Ritter Communications is constantly evaluating existing service areas to determine additional neighborhood builds based on network proximity, house density and customer demand.
Ritter Communications is a regional telecommunications provider, headquartered in Jonesboro, Arkansas serving over 100 communities in the region across four states with a full suite of innovative communications services. Learn more at RitterBusiness.com or RightFiber.com.
Ritter Communications is the largest privately held telecommunications service provider in the Mid-South, offering world-class broadband fiber, telecom, video, cloud and data services. The company has grown rapidly over the years, investing millions recently in technology infrastructure and is now serving over 100 communities with more than 45,000 business, residential and wholesale customers in Arkansas, Texas, Missouri and Tennessee. Headquartered in Jonesboro, Arkansas, Ritter Communications invests heavily in the communities it serves by deploying proven, best-in-class infrastructure and technology, while coupling it with a world-class customer-focused experience. For more information visit, RitterBusiness.com or RightFiber.com.
Media Coverage:
Times-Herald - https://www.thnews.com/site/contact.html
KXJK & KBFC - https://www.kxjkkbfc.com/
Telecompetitor - https://www.telecompetitor.com/ritter-communications-awarded-12-8-million-in-arkansas-rural-connect-grants/
Telecom Ramblings - https://newswire.telecomramblings.com/2022/01/ritter-communications-awarded-12-8-million-in-arkansas-rural-connect-grants/
Newswire - https://www.newswiretoday.com/news/176877/
Benton Institute for Broadband & Society Newsletter - https://www.benton.org/newsletter/daily-digest-152022-maps
Broadband Technology Report - https://www.broadbandtechreport.com/fiber/article/14223158/ritter-communications-counts-128m-in-arkansas-rural-connect-grants
Arkansas Democrat Gazette - https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2022/jan/06/state-gives-ritter-broadband-grants/?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=email_article&utm_medium=related_articles&mag_usr=4101454588
Opera News - https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2022/jan/06/state-gives-ritter-broadband-grants/?business
KTHS Radio - https://www.kthsradio.com/news/